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Integrating Rill with Tableau

Setup instructions

Install the Avatica JDBC driver

  1. Download the Avatica Jar from

  2. Place the jar in Tableau's Drivers folder.

WindowsC:\Program Files\Tableau\Drivers.

Create credentials that allow Tableau to connect to Rill

  1. To access your Rill Druid database from Tableau, you will need to use either an API Password or a Service Account.

    If using an API password, when you connect to Rill from Tableau, you will provide your Rill username as the username and your API password as the password. If using a service account, you will provide the service account as your username and the service account password as your password.

Launch Tableau (version 2018.3 or later)

  1. Launch Tableau and choose Other databases (JDBC). If you have never used this before, you'll find it under More->Other databases (JDBC).
  2. Fill in the Other Databases (JDBC) modal as follows:
  • URL: Copy the Tableau JDBC URL from the Integrations page in RCC and paste it into the URL field of the Other Databases (JDBC) modal (ws1.public used in the example below)
  • Dialect: SQL92
  • Username/Password: Enter either your Rill username and your API password or your service account and service account password, as described above.
  • Properties: Leave the properties field blank.
  1. Click Sign In and you'll be taken to a connection pane in Tableau.
  2. Choose druid from the Database dropdown. After this a Schema dropdown should appear.
  3. Choose druid from the Schema dropdown. After a short pause your tables will appear in the pane below and you can use them as you would use any table in Tableau.
Adjustment for Cardinality Aggregators

If you are using a column that has been created using one of Druid's cardinality aggregators (HyperUnique, HyperLogLog, etc), that column is a dimension. In order to get the "measure" value, you will need to convert it to a measure in Tableau. Using it without converting to a measure first will currently cause a Tableau exception.